Choosing The Right Boat Motor Choosing the Right Boat Motor

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Choosing The Right Boat Motor

If you are thinking of taking up boat riding as a hobby, you have several decisions to make! Some people may want to focus on the upholstery of their boat whereas others will be weighing the pros and cons of used and brand new boats. But one decision you cannot overlook is the type of motor since this will determine the type of model you will buy. While there are two main options you can consider, inboard and outboard, you need to take into account several factors before you can make an informed decision. Therefore, if you are looking to select the right motor, you have come to the right blog, as you will find a wealth of information on boats.

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What Are the Key Elements of Motorboat Maintenance?

Whether you use your motorboat for pleasure or business, keeping it properly maintained will save you money in the long-run. Regular boat servicing helps to prevent relatively small issues from building up and going unnoticed. If you are interested in the sort of tasks that will be carried out for you during a professional boat servicing, then read on. There is more to it than you might think!

Lubrication and Electrics

All motorboats suffer when they are inadequately lubricated. Not only can the engine start to operate less efficiently, but it can have an impact on the overall performance of the other services you will want to make use of. For example, motorboat spark plugs will often need to be lubricated or replaced to ensure the electrical systems of the boat continue to function without any issues after your boat servicing has taken place.

Fuel Filter Checks

Another common problem that motorboat owners face if they do not have frequent-enough services is that the fuel will not get to the engine as efficiently as it once did. You tend to notice this as a lack of oomph when you want to hit peak power. More often than not, this is down to fuel filters that either need to be cleaned or exchanged for new ones. A full boat servicing should inspect all of the fuel lines as well as the inline filters that sit within them to prevent such issues.

Engine Inspections

The engine of a motorboat is important for both performance and safety. Without it operating in mint condition, you could end up becoming stranded at sea and needing to be rescued. Your boat service should include a check of the fuel tank vent, ensuring that the water intake system is working without any blockages and that the propeller is spinning unimpeded. The engine's screw clamps should also be loosened and re-tightened to make sure the whole structure remains secure when you start to approach top speed.

Bilge Pump Repairs

The bilge is located at the bottom of your boat and may not have been looked at since your last service. This should be checked to ensure that all the excess water you take on board is pumped out properly. Without it, you will be travelling with less fuel efficiency since the boat will weigh more. Indeed, your boat could even sink if it were to stop working entirely. The bilge pump's hoses should be cleared of any debris, something that also goes for a back-up pump if your boat is equipped with one.